
How To Highlight A Row In Merlin Project
how to highlight a row in merlin project

Select the view tab, data ribbon group, and tables, Figure 2. Changing the row height is all about finding the right location where the row height is set. Displayed in Figure 1 is our demonstration project. Microsoft Project Row Height Adjustment.

how to highlight a row in merlin projecthow to highlight a row in merlin project

In our example, theColour changes on every header (row 6) and this effect is continued for all rowsThe CELL COLOUR ALTERNATIVE command allows you to use different coloursOn alternate rows of styles BASROW and BASFIG and their individual components.The alternation works within the individual components, so in ourExample we have included these commands in the RTV style definition…… to produce the two shades of green, and these commands in RTV_FIG…CELL COLOUR=#71E4F3 / #FFFF69 / #FFB343 / #E99BB9CELL COLOUR ALTERNATIVE=#BDF2F9 / #FFFFCD / #FFDDAB / #F9E3EB… to produce the two shades of blue / yellow / brown / purple (used inRotation as defined by BANNER COLOUR ROTATION=1).We have also used CELL COLOUR commands to specify the colours of each ofThe blank rows, and the Mean Score row. A setting of 0 means it will change on everyColumn, 1 on every header, 2 on every overheader, etc. MultipleColours will be used in rotation across the banner as specified by the globalCommand BANNER COLOUR ROTATION. Multiple cell colours are only relevant in BASROW, BASBAN andBASFIG and their individual components (they will not actually be used in any BASROWStyles, but will be picked up if FIGURES=LABEL is used in BASFIG styles). CELL COLOUR=RED / GREEN/ CYAN / GREY. #C4F8C8Hexadecimal and RGB values may be found on the Microsoft Word CustomIn our example, we have used FONT COLOUR=BLUE in the VT style to showThe CELL COLOUR command (only) may contain two or more colours (usingAny of the above methods) separated by forward slashes, e.g.

Highlight A Row In Merlin Project Software Support And

We are already working on greaterIntegration and improved productivity features, taking fullTebboth, Merlinco’s Managing Director for the past 12 years, remains as a boardDirector, focussing on software support and training, providing valuableContinuity for clients. This will usually beThe total column but not always – so you may need to delete or change chartsWe will add other chart options if there is sufficient client demand.Any questions? Email are delighted to announce the appointment of Simon Stephen as Managing Director with effect from 1 July 2020.Simon joined us last year with 25 years of experience in survey data processing in the Market Research industry, including work at leading research agencies such as NOP World/Business, BMRB-Kantar, and ORC International, before spending 20 years at the specialist MR data ManagementSaid of his appointment “I am excited to be given the opportunityTo develop the specialist survey services and software offeredBy Merlinco, driving towards a higher profile for the leading surveyAnalysis package MERLIN. If a tableContains any column percentages, and you are using RCP XLSTAB=3 (one table perWorksheet), this chart will be generated below the table using the figures fromColumn C (or column D if formats PSV/SCV are used). The global FREEZE command will also be adjusted to include column D.Only one chart type is currently available (HORIZONTAL BAR).

This is all specifiedIn a “styles” file called “xlstab_std_styles.txt”, which is supplied with theSoftware and used by default – but you can create your own styles files as explained in the next sectionIf you always want to use XLSID with Excel tables, simply set it in yourGlobal RCP settings file (MERLIN allows users to define default settings thatTo create your own style, copy the default styles file from the softwareInstallation folder to a folder of your choice, and give it a suitable name,E.g. This plain output is suitable if you just want to view theFigures, or maybe create charts, and the appearance of the tables themselves isn’tImportant – but it is usually preferable (and very easy) to produce enhancedBy setting RCP XLSID, we can produce “enhanced Excel output” like this:XLSID causes an “identifier flag” to be placed in column A (hidden byDefault) which enables MERLIN to format specific rows differently to others.So, by default, a different font is used for the job header, table title andBanner labels – and the latter are also boxed and shaded. No TOC isAll settings automatically suppress output of tables in other formats, exceptYou may specify RCP TABSML if you also want tables in TABSML format.By default, MERLIN produces “plain Excel output” like this:You will notice that the banner labels (including the header “Class”)Are left justified, since that is Excel’s default treatment of text, and zeroCells are shown as “0” instead of the usual “-”, since the latter would also beTreated as text. There are numerous options controlling the output and appearance of these tables, which are introduced in this blog.Output of tables to Excel is controlled by Run Control Parameter (RCP)XLSTAB, which has three possible settings:XLSTAB=1 all tables in one Excel worksheet called “Tables”, one afterXLSTAB=2 each table in a separate Excel file named after the MERLINXLSTAB=3 each table in a separate Excel worksheet named after theSettings 1 and 3 also generate a worksheet called “Contents” containingA Table of Contents (TOC) with hyperlinks to the tables themselves. MERLIN’s creation of Excel tables is completely independent of Excel, and may be done without Excel being installed.

how to highlight a row in merlin project